What a wonderful session at the Montpelier High School today showcasing local youth film projects. We also met alot of you who came to the Festival Hub and whom we met when we were out an about delivering guidebooks today. We will be at the Hub starting at 9 AM tomorrow. We are happy to help you find he perfect movie to watch this weekend!

Festival FAQ
We've just published a brief guide for you. These are some standard questions that we are fielding. For anything more custom to your situation, please find us at the Festival Hub.
Opening Night Party π π
While we are technically full, we do understand that there are certain aspects of the evening that folks will want to see more than others. For this reason, please expect to arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled section to claim your ticket or get your name on the waitlist. This is the process throughout the entire festival for all shows. Let us know how we can help you!
Woodbelly will be providing a cash bar and light refreshments and mingling will be in the lobby, overflowing into the downstairs/first floor of City Hall.
Of course if you can't make it to the Montpelier Chamber Orchestra's piece on Opening Night, they will be performing concerts all weekend. Here's their ticketing link.
Please do not forget this show is livestreamed so you can watch it from anywhere--even if its sold out! Here's the link.
Thanks to tonight's sponsors π π

This party would not have been possible without the support of NorthCountry Federal Credit Union and the additional support of the Vermont Humanities Council. The Stetson-Yovu Charitable Fund contributed towards tonight as well.
Party Schedule
5 PM: Doors Open
5:15 PM: DJ XAVWAX spins music in the lobby
6:15 PM: World Premiere of new film + music composition by Andreas John and Evan Premo THE SPACE BETWEEN Waitlist for this performance starts at 5:45 PM
7:30 PM: Montpelier Chamber Orchestra perform live music accompanied by local films: CHAMBERPEACE by Natalie Jones and THE GREEN MOUNTAIN PROJECT by Tori Lawrence. Waitlist for this performance starts at 7 PM.
*Please note that the City Hall Arts Center does not have a working elevator*
Last minute volunteers are welcome to stop by the Festival Hub inside Rabble Rouser to find any shifts that may still be open.
Today's Venues: Savoy Upstairs and Capitol 3
This is a general reminder, especially for those of you who purchased tickets early, that the Capitol 3 will be showing movies that were originally scheduled for the Savoy Downstairs. The Savoy will only be hosting movies in their Upstairs theater. Below is today's movie schedule:
1:45 PM: Leila's Brothers | Savoy
3:15 PM: We Are Guardians | Capitol 3 -SOLD OUT- Waitlist starts at 2:45 PM
8:15 PM: Evil Does Not Exist | Savoy
8:30 PM: Richland | Capitol 3
We suggest arriving 15 minutes early to give yourself enough time to get settled and purchase concessions. Please have your tickets ready to scan.
We'll see you at the movies! πΏπΏπΏ